Monday, September 8, 2014

Classifying Angles

Here are the notes for Classifying Angles.

I use patty paper to talk about Angle Bisectors.  We glue just the top part into the notebook so the students can still fold on the bisector.  Protractor Postulate is added at the bottom printed on a sticky note.

Last page is the Angle Addition Postulate.  I printed this one on a sticky note as well.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Midpoint Formula and Distance Formula

Here are the note pages for the Midpoint Formula and Distance Formula.  I have the formulas printed on the sticky notes, and I have the graphs printed.  I have the kids cut out the graphs as a whole and glue them in their notes.  I often do the cutting and gluing at the very beginning of class as a bell ringer activity.

Segments and Congruence

As you will see, I love using post it notes for postulates and theorems.  Create a table in Word, set the table to be 3 inches wide and 3 inches tall, set the page margins to 0.5" top and bottom.  That will let you have 3 rows of two.  Put the sticky notes on the page and run through your printer (not the copy machine!)  My teacher's aide puts the sticky notes on for me.

Here are the notes for Segments and Congruence.  I try to use different colors so the postulate and theorems really stand out!

Foundations of Geometry

Here we are at the first of school!  I am always excited to start the year, and I love starting the interactive notebooks for Geometry!  Here are the pages for the Foundations of Geometry!